Core II Courses
The following courses hold the Core II Course attributes indicated below. To search the Schedule of Courses by course attribute and semester, see the Registrar's Schedule of Courses and select the link for "View Core I && Core II Courses only" after selecting the Term of interest.
* available as online course
Composition (6 credit hours)- ENG101: English Composition I *
- ENG101P: Beginning Composition Plus *
- ENG200H: Texting the World (CT) *
- ENG201: Advanced Composition *
- ENG201H: English Comp Honors *
- SCLA102: Transformative Texts ENG
- CMM103: Fund Speech-Communication
- CMM104H: Honors in Speech Comm
- CMM207: Bus & Prof Communication *
- SCLA101: Transformative Texts CMM (CT)
- ART112: Intro To Visual Art *
- ART201: History of Art I (CT) *
- ART202: History of Art II (CT) *
- MUS142: Music in Society *
- MUS142H: Music in Society Honors
- MUS200: Introduction to World Music
- MUS210: Intro to Electronic Music (CT) *
- MUS227: History of Popular Music
- THE112: Theatre Appreciation *
- CL210: Love/War Ancient World (CT) *
- CL230: Greek & Roman Epic *
- CL231: Women in Greek & Roman Lit *
- CL232: Greek & Roman Drama (CT) *
- CL233: Greek & Roman Historians (CT) *
- CL234: Greek & Roman Poetry (CT) *
- CL236: Murder in Ancient World (CT) *
- CL237: Lit in the Time of Nero (CT) *
- CL250: Studies in Humanities (CT)
- CMM205: Pop Culture Rhetoric
- CMM239: Dev & Appreciation of Film *
- DH201: Intro to Digital Humanities *
- ENG200: Texting the World (CT) *
- ENG200H: Texting the World (CT) *
- ENG203: Appalachian Literature *
- ENG205: Popular Literature (CT) *
- ENG206: Good Plays *
- ENG209: Literature of Fantasy *
- ENG210: Autobiography
- ENG211: Science Fiction *
- ENG212: Sports Literature
- ENG213: Good Poems *
- ENG214: Intro to Comics *
- ENG215: Good Novels
- ENG220: The Political Novel
- ENG221: Postcolonial Literature *
- ENG225: Southern Literature *
- ENG231: Good Stories *
- ENG232: Good Films *
- ENG235: Crime and Sensation Literature
- ENG236: Forbidden Literature
- ENG240: African American Literatures *
- ENG241: Ethnic Literatures *
- ENG242: Women Writers *
- ENG263: Intro Digital Literary Studies *
- FRN240: French Society & Life *
- GEO207: Biblical Geography *
- GER240: German Society & Life *
- JMC101: Media Literacy
- JPN240: Japanese Culture (CT) *
- JPN245: Modern Japanese Lit (CT)
- JPN250: Japanese Anime & Manga (CT) *
- PHL200: Intro Phil Ancient Period (CT)
- PHL200H: Intro Phil Ancient-Honors
- PHL201: Intro Phil Modern Period (CT) *
- PHL203: Philosophy & Human Exist (CT)
- PHL250: Studies in Humanities (CT)
- PSC201: Politics, Media, and Culture
- RST205: Religious Trads of West *
- RST206: Religious Traditions Asia *
- RST207: Biblical Geography *
- RST220: Lit of Old Testament
- RST225: Lit of New Testament
- RST250: Studies in Humanities (CT)
- SCLA102: Transformative Texts ENG
- SPN240: Hispanic Culture (CT) *
- SPN245: Chicano/a Identities (CT)
- MTH121: Concepts and Applications (CT) *
- MTH121B: Cncpts & Apps-Expanded (CT) *
- MTH122: Plane Trigonometry *
- MTH127: College Algebra-Expanded *
- MTH130: College Algebra *
- MTH132: Precalculus with Sci Applica *
- MTH140: Applied Calculus *
- MTH140H: Applied Calculus Honors
- MTH160: Applied Math Reasoning (CT)
- MTH220: Discrete Structures *
- MTH229: Calculus/Analytic Geom I (CT) *
- MTH229H: Calculus I Honors (CT)
- MTH230: Calculus/Analytic Geom II
- MTH231: Calculus/Analytic Geom III
- STA150: Foundations of Statistics (CT) *
- STA150B: Foundations of Stats-Expd (CT) *
- STA150L: Foundations of Statistics Lab *
- STA225: Introductory Statistics (CT) *
- BSC104: Introduction to Biology *
- BSC104L: Introduction to Biology Lab *
- BSC105: Introduction to Biology *
- BSC105L: Human Biology Lab *
- BSC120: Principles of Biology
- BSC120H: Principles of Biology Honors
- BSC120L: Principles of Biology I Lab
- BSC121: Principles of Biology
- BSC121L: Prin of Biology II Lab
- BSC228: Human Physiology *
- BSC228L: Human Physiology Lab *
- BSC250: Microbiol & Human Disease *
- BSC250L: Microbio and Human Disease Lab *
- CHM211: Principles of Chemistry I
- CHM212: Principles Chemistry II
- CHM217: Principles of Chem Lab I
- CHM218: Principles of Chem Lab II
- FSC224: Intro to Forensic Science
- GEO101: Physical Geography (CT) *
- GEO230: Intro to Meteorology (CT) *
- GLY100: Geologic Hazards & Resources
- GLY150: Intro Oceanography *
- GLY150L: Intro Oceanography Lab *
- GLY200: Physical Geology
- GLY201: Historical Geology
- GLY210L: Earth Materials Lab
- GLY211L: Historical Geology Lab
- NRE111: Living Systems *
- NRE111L: Living Systems Lab
- PHY101: Conceptual Physics
- PHY101L: Conceptual Physics Lab *
- PHY201: General Physics
- PHY202: General Physics Lab *
- PHY203: General Physics
- PHY204: General Physics Lab *
- PHY211: Principles of Physics
- PHY213: Principles of Physics
- PS101: Introductory Astronomy (CT) *
- ANT201: Cultural Anthropology (CT) *
- ANT201H: Cultural Anthropol Honors (CT)
- CJ200: Intro to Criminal Justice *
- CJ211: Intro to Law Enforcement *
- CJ221: Intro to Criminal Courts *
- CJ231: Intro to Corrections *
- CMM213: Fund Interpersonal Com *
- EDF218: Educ Psych for K12 Classroom *
- GEO100: Intro to Human Geography (CT) *
- GEO203: Economic Geography (CT) *
- GEO206: Geography West Virginia
- GEO222: Global Environment Issues (CT) *
- HST101: Great Civs to 1300 (CT) *
- HST101H: Great Civs to 1300 (CT)
- HST102: World & West 1300-1850 (CT) *
- HST102H: World & West 1300-1850 (CT)
- HST103: The World Since 1850 (CT) *
- HST103H: World Since 1850 Honors (CT)
- HST208: The Developing World (CT) *
- HST219: Ancient History *
- HST220: European Hist Medieval
- HST223: Rise & Fall Nazi Germany
- HST230: American History to 1877 (CT) *
- HST231: American Hist From 1877 (CT) *
- HST231H: US Hist Since 1877-Honors
- HST250: Women in US History *
- HST260: Rise of Islam 570-1750
- HST265: Modern East Asia *
- PSC104: Am Natl Govt & Politics (CT) *
- PSC105: Fundamentals of Politics (CT) *
- PSC201: Politics, Media, and Culture
- PSC202: Am State Govt & Politics *
- PSC207: Comparative Politics (CT)
- PSC209: Fund Internatl Relations (CT) *
- PSY201: General Psychology (CT) *
- PSY201H: General Psychology-Honors (CT)
- PSY223: Elem Behavioral Stat *
- SOC200: Introductory Sociology (CT) *
- SOC200H: Intro Sociology Honors (CT) *